What is Chain Register and its contents ?
It is a booklet called form 99, in an approved format which is to be maintained upto date as per requirement of the dock safety regulation and endorsed & signed by a competent person as required. It contains certificate of tests and registers all reports of examination of load bearing machinery, chains and wire ropes before they are put in use.
The tests, examinations and inspections indicated in this register are based on the requirements of ILO Convention. They are intended to ensure that ships having lifting appliances are initially certified by a competent person, and to establish periodically that they continue to be in safe working order to the satisfaction of a surveyor
- Name of Ship
- Official Number
- Call Sign
- Port of Registry
- Name of Owner
- Register Number
- Date of Issue
- Issued by
- Signature and Stamp
Part I: Entries concerning four yearly examinations and annual examinations.
Part II: Contains entries concerning thorough annual examinations of cranes, winches and hoists. Accessory gear other than derricks is also included.
Part III: For entries concerning the thorough annual examination of gear exempted from annealing.
Part IV: For entries concerning the annealing of gear.
The last page contains some recommended factors of safety. e.g.
Chain/Wire = 5
Rope = 6
Derrick = 9
- Test certificates are attached to the register by means of gummed strips provided on the inside of the cover.
- The register is designed by the dockyard for 8 years and must be retained on board for a period of four more years after the new one comes into force.
The term “competent person” means a person possessing the knowledge and experience required for the performance of thorough examinations and tests of lifting appliances and loose gear and who is acceptable to the competent authority.
The term “competent authority” means a minister, government department or other authority empowered to issue regulations, orders or other instructions having the force of law.
The term “responsible person” means a person appointed by the master of the ship or the owner of the gear to be responsible for the performance of inspections and has sufficient knowledge and experience to undertake such inspections.
The term “thorough examination” means a detailed visual examination by a competent person, supplemented if necessary by other suitable means or measures in order to arrive at a reliable conclusion as to the safety of the lifting appliance or item of loose gear examined.
The term “inspection” means a visual inspection carried out by a responsible person to decided whether, so far as can be ascertained in such manner, the loose gear or sling is safe for continued use.
The term “lifting appliance” covers all stationary or mobile cargo-handling appliances used on board ship for suspending, raising or lowering loads or moving them from one position to another while suspended or supported.